Reiki Teacher Training
My Reiki teacher training courses are for people that would like to enhance their self-healing and also Become a qualified Reiki practitioner. I am a Reiki Master teacher trainer so I am able to facilitate your attunement for Level 1, 2 , masters and also master teacher trainer.
If this is of interest to you, do get in touch.
Reiki Teacher Training

There are 3 levels of training to go through. 1, 2 and masters. If you want I can incorporate the teacher training into the level 3 masters course or you can just do the Reiki masters which won’t allow you to teach people but will allow you to be a practitioner.
You will get all the booklets and training in the course. And the hands on attunement and practice along with your certification.

Frequently asked questions
Here are a list of questions we are asked frequently.
If you can’t find an answer to your question here please contact us and we will be very happy to help you.
Reiki is a Japanese sacred energy treatment. The word Reiki has that exact meaning. Rei- Sacred and Ki- energy
Level 1 is to work on friends and family. Level 2. You can become a practitioner to the public.
You’re only qualified to teach after you have done your Reiki master teacher training.
Level 1 is a day training (1 on 1)
Level 2 is a day training (1 on 1)
Reiki Master training is 2 days (1 on 1)
A minimum of 3 weeks as you have to finish your detox but I recommend longer. Each individual will instinctively know when they’re ready.
You improve the flow of energy around the body which can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.
Reiki is an effective treatment to assist in unblocking and balancing each chakra so that energy can flow freely and openly throughout the body.
Reiki meditation helps you to declutter those blocks and get the energy flowing. When the energies flow freely, it helps your body to create harmony within and it releases imbalances created by negative influences. No Chakra works efficiently irrespective of the others, they are all part of the whole.
As part of the fight/flight response, emotional responses can be buried or suppressed in order to help us get through the traumatic experience. When the person enters a state of relaxation in a Reiki healing session, those buried emotions can rise to the surface and be released.